Page 6 - CCP June 30 - Careercorps Colorado DirectHire Career Fair Event
P. 6

"Careercorps® Candidate Por olios are an "it's about
                                                                                      me" solu on to your schedule.  Por olios provide an
                                                                                     at-a-glance insight into each and every candidate,
                                                                                     helping to more fully-u lize your skills instead, within
                                                                                     HR decision-making and leadership..."

                                                                                       Careercorps® DirectHire® Por olio Sec ons Include

                                                                                       Resumes
                                                                                       Registra ons
                                                                                       Formal applica ons to your company
                                                                                       Pre-Employment Tes ng
                                                                                       Interview Overview
                                                                                       Sta s cal summaries
                         Candidate Portfolios
                                                                                       Management Evalua ons

                                    © 2022 Careercorps®.    Medical | Technical | Corporate   Sourcing Recruitment Talent Since 2013.
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