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W a i CareerMarke ?

This is CareerMarket.

 “The Most valuable career event we’ve seen in Colorado” --Colorado Security Firm / Current CareerMarket Member

 “Unbelievable! Through CareerMarket we were able to partner with eight employers at a single career event”

                                                                             --Colorado School District / Current CareerMarket Member

The principle.

     Recrui ng is a perpetual business func on for most large businesses — but not even “func on”.
        It’s more like a science to any Colorado or na onal HR Division who’s dealing with significant
        turnover or opera onal expansions. The prudent directors and recruiters make it their task to
        recruit perpetually, not periodically to not only stay ahead of their job requisi ons but to also
        avoid immediate-need expenditures and cost-overruns on out-of-state and syndicated jobsites.

     Recrui ng candidates at-home in Colorado’s lucra ve job market depends on ge ng the most
        for every recruitment dollar and also recrui ng “recruitment partners” as judiciously as job can-
        didates. Maintaining a steady stream of qualified job applicants is the key and it takes more than
        a jobsite or job fair to do it. In fact, a career market is dependent upon four service pillars.

     CareerMarket® is built on the three common pillars of most job markets but adds a fourth to es-
        tablish the more tenured, comprehensive, and produc ve “career market”. While no single tool
        or “pillar” necessarily works op mally for your firm, all four pillars together can and will cons -
        tute the best recruitment strategy for your company in Colorado and elsewhere.
        This is CareerMarket®.

The performance.

                                    ®                       CAREERMARKET is the only career services
                                                            organiza on in Colorado that provides all 4 career
                  CAREER  RECRUIT-  JOB SITE SOURCING &     service provisions or “pillars” to corporate recruiters
                   FAIR     MENT                 PLACEMENT  as a part of every career event. CareerMarket
                                                            provides the essen al four career tools your organiza-
                           FORUM                             on needs for op mal, perpetual recrui ng results:

        I II III IV                                          CAREER FAIR. The very best place to find job

             THE CAREERMARKET                                    candidates. A meet-and-greet forum.
                                                             RECRUITMENT PARTNERS FORUM. Schools,

                                                                 Colleges & Training Centers are a deep, rich
                                                                 source of career candidates for you. Tap up to 25
                                                                 ways to partner them on recruitment!

                                                             JOBSITE. Post jobs & review resumes at your


                                                             SOURCING & PLACEMENT. CareerMarket finds

                                                                 candidates and partners for you through monthly
                                                                 candidate registries and Playbooks® respec vely.
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