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N E W S L E T T E R    D E C E M B E R | 2 0 1 6

    Colorado's Cooperative Community Re-entry Initiative for U.S. Veteran,Homeless, extended-term unemployed, and justice-involved. The content of this newsletter is extracted from Careershare.org, a FREE and Cooperative Jobs | Resources | News | Features for all of Colorado.  Nonprofits, Workforce, and Career & Life Candidates may receive a FREE Posting & Viewing account at Careershare.org.  For inclusion in future publications of this email, please post your news, features, events, and career opportunities at Careershare.org!

"Taskforce Denver Homeless"makes a  dent in Denver's Homeless Residential Needs

December 9, 2016.  Denver, Colorado.  Aside from the thousands of goods and services assembled in last night's "Taskforce Denver Homeless" drive, perhaps the bigger 'dent' that was placed in helping to remedy Denver's homeless population needs might be that of public awareness and contribution. Dozens of volunteers gathered to sort socks, coats, jackets, and personal items according to gender and size in the latter hours of yesterday evening.

As backseats and trunks were opened and emptied of personal contributions, others carried cases of water and soda as they organized a growing level of donations at Denver's Volunteers of America facilities.

600 resource bags were handed out to Denver's homeless while 100 at-risk individuals were personally-assisted with more extended assistance program opportunities for food and shelter.

Taskforce Denver Homeless is a program inspired by Tammy Bellofatto and which conducts quarterly drives for Denver's 10,000+ homeless. If you owuld like to get involved or donate, please contact Tammy at: TaskforceDenverHomeless@gmail.com.


Fairchance is a cooperative newsletter.  We publish excerpts and links to News, Events, Features, and Jobs that you publish on Careershare.org.   If you are a non-profit, get a FREE account HERE (choose "Workforce & Nonprofit" and then choose "Activate").  If you are a business, get unlimited postings starting at $95/mo.   For a FREE or low fee monthly account click below and choose, "Activate". 

THIS is Fairchance
The Colorado Fairchance Initiative is a project inspired by a Federal Government Agenda to provide easier pathways to community re-entry for groups that include U.S. Veterans, extended-term unemployed, food stamp recipients, and justice-involved.  A collaborative partnership between the Colorado Career Project (CCP), the U.S. Attorney's Office, and the Colorado Department of Corrections has helped direct Fairchance Career Fairs as well as Symposiums, and chartiable workshops including food provision, counseling, and transportation awards through organizations that include the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, Denver Housing, and the Denver Rescue Mission.   For more information about attending a Fairchance Career Event, please contact Kathy McIntyre at:  Kathy@ColoradoBusinessAlliance.  Click below to visit Careershare.org to preview a copy of our August Event Itinerary for the FairChance Career Fair held at Denver-Auraria Campus (See "Colorado Career Book Archive" section).   [Pictured above: Fairchance Collaborative Partners-- U.S. Attorney's Office, Colorado Department of Corrections; Attending and participating organizatoins:  El Paso Co. District Attorney's Office, Colorado Springs PD].

Colorado Fairchance Expands roles, opportunities for Justice Department, Law Enforcement, Employers, & Charity.

At the UCCS Campus this past October 27th, Denver Acting U.S. Attorney, Bob Troyer, presided over the Fairchance Symposium, offering employers an insightful look at government subsidies, tax incentives, reimbursed intern opportunities, and free bonding insurance for hiring the Fairchance candidate groups previously mentioned.  Between the two Summer/Fall Fairchance events, over 110 major employers from Ball Aerospace to the City of Boulder and Centura Health particpated in the Fairchance Employer Symposium, each receiving a government-signed Fairchance plaque, signifying their care and concern for hiring "all of Colorado".  

Fairchance symposiums are an integral part of selected Colorado Career Project (CCP) Career Fairs.  While Fairchance candidates comprise a small portion of the total volume of attending candidates, empoyers have a distinct opportunity to review and consider candidates who are Veterans, extended-term unemployed, or who have had a brush with the law in their past.  

If you are an Employer with an interest in attending a Fairchance Symposium / Workshop / Career Fair Event, you are welcome to register below.  Nonprofits who are resource providers to the above groups may express their interest in attending for free through an email to:  Kathy@ColoradoBusinessAlliance.com

Melissa Roberts, Dir., Colorado Dept. of Corrections

Melissa Roberts presented at the August, 2016 Fairchance Career Fair at Denver-Auararia.  The Colorado DOC is heavily-involved in re-entry training and placement of hundreds of justice-involved candidates who are released monthly in Colorado.

The Colorado FairChance Award Plaque

The Colorado FairChance Plaques are awarded to all Fairchance Event employers and charity resource providers who attend Fairchance Events.

Governor Hickenlooper to sign FairChance

In 2017, all Colorarado FairChance Award Plaques will also be signed by Governor Hickenlooper

By Karl Emmerich

It rivaled most any junior ---or for that matter---4year college computer lab. In fact, the support facility at Colorado's Department of Corrections in Denver housed state of the art computer equipment and a support staff for its user base. I'd say you'd have to squint to be able to tell the difference. But in all honesty, it wouldn't help.  Today's Colorado re-entry candidates are learning far more than business skills. Their advisement in dress, presentation, and verbal skills has given them at least a visual presence that's commensurate with their non-justice-involved counterparts. On paper, however, things have always been a bit different in Colorado. Get a felony on your record and you can often say 'good-bye' to being a first-round draft pic at any Colorado employer. It's a stigma that's prohibited a great deal of re-entry opportunities by many Coloradans in the past decades.

Felonies happen. But fortunately, Colorado's collaborative effort between the Colorado Career Project, the U.S. Justice Department, and the Department of Corrections is helping to change all that. Even the City of Denver's 'ban the box' initiative has helped change the tide toward employers at least offering a second, third, or fourth-round "draft-pic" consideration of candidates, even if they have had a brush with the law in their past. Employers are now re-evaluating, taking a closer look, and considering personal skills and qualifications of candidates as well.  For questions and comments, please email CCG@ColoradoBusinessAlliance.com or call: (303) 287-6064.

About Careershare.org

Careershare.org is Colorado's cooperative News | Careers | Events | Resources site, open to self-posts.  Just a month old, Careershare is harnessing the entire CCP Career Event job market.  We welcome empoyers and nonprofits alike to participate in one of two simple ways.   Whether it comes to jobs, resumes, resources, events, news, features, or editorials, just "post-it" or "view-it".  Aside from your posts being seen by Employers, Government, Workforce, College, Military, Candidate, and other Nonprofits, The Fairchance Newsletter will source your posts and further publicize them via Facebook, Social Media, and the CCP | Fairchance subscription email base.   Nonprofits, Workforce, and Candidates receive a FREE Careershare account upon registration.  Businesses and Employers may register for full usage with a $95 / month account.  All organizations may register at Careershare.org by choosing the "Activate"  button.  To visit the DEMO SITE ONLY (open viewing but restricted posting), click HERE.

March 13 targeted as next Fairchance Event:  Symposium|Workshop|Career Fair

Colorado Event partner to the Fairchance Initiative, CCP, has announced three event dates for Colorado Career Fairs in Denver.  Of the three dates, March 13 is targeted as a Fairchance event.  Aside from being a 75-100 employer career event, March 13 will also feature a U.S. Government Symposium for HR Directors and Managers regarding subsidies and tax incentives for Colorado Employers as well as catered meals and charity workshop for Fairchance candidates (Veterans, Homeless, Unemployed, Justice-Involved).

Fairchance Initiative
c/o The Colorado Career Project
p. (303) 287-6064
e. CCP@ColoradoBusinessAlliance.com
Denver | Colorado 80239

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©2016  The Colorado Fairchance Initiative and Colorado Career Project.  All rights reserved.